

As a Reiki Master, I love to offer this style of healing to my clients. Although many feel that Reiki is “hands-on healing” and is often described in such a way, my hands do not have to touch you to provide you with the healing. Once I connect with the universal life force energy you will feel a gentle but abundant spiritual energy.

“Rei” means universal and the “ki” means vital life force energy. When I work with this amazing energy I am able to bring this powerful healing together for both healing in person as well as distance healings.

As with all my healings, my beautiful angels are always with me. Many of my clients will tell me of the imagines of Angels or loved ones when in the room conducting a healing. Messages may come through and If they do I will always pass on the messages if requested.

Many people love the feel of Reiki. This type of healing is gentle and loving. It is not recognised or tied to any specific nationality or religion. I feel this is another reason that Reiki works so well for so many – people, animals and all living things.

Angel Vibration Energy Healing

Working with my Angels I have been trained in how to raise my vibration to offer a different energy healing.

By creating a high-frequency vibration with my Angels sending me emotions and feelings of joy, peace or acceptance I am able to tune in and work alongside of them.

While I am providing you with an energy healing, I am also receiving messages from my Angels in regards to your life as well as your health. I call in Archangels to assist with all of my Angel Vibrational Energy healings so that you as the client will experience gentle and loving healing.

This service is offered both in-person or via distance.

When we are out of balance or feeling a bit off you may need to look to clearing or balancing your chakras.

The seven major energy points in our bodies are extremely important. If our chakras are out of balance or some say out of alignment it can bring forward emotions and a feeling of being anxious or stressed.

Chakra Balancing

It is a good practice to learn how to care, cleanse and clean our chakras, but sometimes we just need a little love. To help us get the balance back into our busy lives. Once we bring the chakras back into balance it helps us with our mental, emotional, psychical and spiritual beliefs

By using crystals and being guided by universal energy each chakra is balanced and cleared.

Distance Healing

Distance healing is a wonderful experience. You do not need to be in the same room as the healer to experience the benefits.

As long as I have your permission I am able to complete a distance healing. We will agree on a time that suits us both to sit in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. You will feel the healing taking place and when I call you afterwards to discuss any message or answer any questions you and I may even have seen or felt the same experiences.

This beautiful way to send energy to you in the form of healing is one that everyone should experience at least once in their lives. Why not try it today?


30 Minute Healing

60 Minute Healing

Purchase Your Healing

You can also pre-pay for a service by booking on this website, I will contact you to arrange for a mutually convenient time for an appointment depending on the service you select.


Angelic Healing

$70 to $100

Angelic Healing


$70 to $100

Pet Healing


Gift Certificate

$60 to $200